Blog — empowering
Melissa Camilleri
Shifting from Scarcity to Abundance
Here are 3 simple shifts you can make to move from SCARCITY to ABUNDANCE. 1. Make room. By holding on to too much stuff, we are sending the silent signal to the universe that we are not ready to receive more goodness. “Stuff” can be anything: the clothes you don’t wear at the back of your closet, the piles of papers on your counter, the broken, inkless pens in your junk drawer. GET RID OF IT. Make room. Grab a few bags, label them “TOSS,” “DONATE,” and “SELL.” Throw away the garbage, bring your donations to your favorite charity, and...
Melissa Camilleri
Making Friends Online
When’s the last time you met someone awesome online? I’d guess, yesterday? Or early this morning? Meeting awesome people online is what afforded me the opportunity to write this post and share it with you! The internet is a fantastic connector of people, but sometimes it can get a little...awkward. So how do you go about making friends online in the best possible way? With trending hashtags, community-centered businesses and tell-all Instagram accounts, all types of people are only a click away. And with a wealth of information at your fingertips - the opportunity to curate your interactions from the...
Melissa Camilleri
Going Back to School Later in Life
I adore this short clip on Youtube. In it, Betty Reilly, an 85-year-old woman shares her story of graduating college in her old age. Even though I’m several years younger, it’s extremely encouraging on those days when I’m not all that enamored by the thought of returning to school. Irrespective of your highest level of education, perhaps you doubt the idea of going back to school now that you’re older. If Betty’s story doesn’t ignite some fire under you, here are three things to keep in mind if you’re unsure about obtaining a formal education, a little later than usual. Leveling up....
Melissa Camilleri
How to be a Better Lover.
How do you show love? The way you show your love most commonly and easily is typically the way you feel most loved in return.
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