Hi friends,
I wanted to share a truly inspirational story with you this week. My childhood friend, Karen, recently ordered three of our raspberry rings--one each for two of her friends, and one for herself.
Then she emailed me. Karen writes,
These are rings for two amazing people. Every year since 2007, a group of people I work with in the affiliate industry do the 40-mile Avon Breast Cancer Walk in a city somewhere around the country.
"In the 7 years we've been doing it, we've raised more than $421,000 for breast cancer research. This year, we were in Chicago.
Unfortunately, I busted my knee very badly after I arrived in Chicago for the event and there was no way I could participate.
But my teammates wouldn't take no for an answer.
They found a wheelchair and pushed me the ENTIRE 2 days of the walk.

Even through the rain.
They are simply incredible women.
I just wanted you to know the story behind these pink creations you are crafting! I've been trying to come up with a suitably awesome way of thanking them and then saw your post. It was a total head-smacking moment. Duh. Perfect gift!
Here we are at the finish line! Liz is the one with the sash and Missy is the one with the boobie scarf.
Thank you for helping me say thanks..
Love, Karen
You can read more about Team AMGB, and see how they (as only four people--one of whom is not pictured) raised over $50,000 for the organization, by clicking here. You can also donate to their team for their next walk in Boston.
This story really validated exactly what my hope is for this company I’ve started. Compliment helps people show appreciation for each other and helps us all see that the world is always full of more good than evil--despite what the daily news might have us believe.
Our focus does not belong on fear and hate and shutdowns. Our focus belongs on the good people in this world who go the extra mile (literally) each and every day.
Do you have a sweet, inspiring, feel-good story about a Compliment you've given or received? Please email me! I’d love for this to turn into a blog series! And if not, I'd just love to know that appreciating others is making a difference in your little part of the world.
There is so much to be thankful for as we make our way into this holiday season. I hope you will take the time to show the people around you just how much they mean to you. Now, and always.
xo- Melissa