Self-care is selfish. How many of us have heard that we have put others ahead of ourselves in order to be a good person?
I am here to tell a different story - one where every person in the family gets to have their needs met, where we are only as strong as our weakest member and, as is the Compliment trademark-- we all rise by lifting others ®.
As a 100% Guilt-Free Self-Care Coach and founder of the 100 Women Project. I teach women to drop the story that self-care is selfish and become powerful and strong leaders in their own lives.
Many believe self-care is spa weekends, massages and manis and pedis. While those activities might be included, self-care is not limited in that way.
When I say self-care I am talking about how you love and tend to your whole being.
Questions to ask yourself when you are thinking about self-care for your whole being:
How are you taking care of your physical body?
What does it need to be healthy (not what you've been told, but what YOU need)?
Are you giving yourself enough rest, movement and quiet?
What are you doing to grow and learn from your life?
How are you applying all the lessons your life has taught you?
Or do you keep learning the same lesson over and over?
What in your life has to change for you to apply your life lessons?
Do you need to slow down?
How is your relationship with yourself?
Are you as a kind to yourself as you are to others?
Are you asking for what you need in your relationships?
How are you a part of something bigger than yourself?
What could you do to help grow your spirit?
We've all heard of treating others the way you want to be treated. What if we changed this to treat yourself the way you treat others?
Follow Tami Hackbarth on Instagram for more self-care for your whole-self tips.