The week between Christmas and New Year's is probably one of my favorite times of the year. I love the lull. I love the calm coming off the holidays, the extra snuggly weather, and all the hope and possibility that rests just beyond the new year.
I like to go beyond just resolutions or goal setting. They always felt empty, trite, and too easily broken. Instead, I do something different.
I spend lots of time reflecting: What did I love about last year that I want more of? What did I really not like that I want to change? What caused me great joy? What led to drama or despair? How can I get more of the good stuff and less of the crappy stuff?
People often assume that because I have a super-positive, sunshine-y company in Compliment, I haven't had my share of being steamrolled by life or heartbreak, or devastation.
I assure you. I have.
I assure you that in those times I was TERRIFIED, full of doubt, and indecision.
But... I kept going. I sought wise counsel. I kept learning. I kept applying the lessons.
And little by little I gained confidence. I conquered bigger and bigger fears and now lead a life that I love through and through--fully awake to possibilities, love, and joy. Creating Compliment to be the positive company it is was a conscious choice, not an accident.
I shared these thoughts with my friends at Inspire Midtown-- a young professionals Lean In Circle here in Sacramento-- and was humbled and honored when they asked me to speak at their January workshop to help lead others to CREATE more CONFIDENCE and CONQUER their FEARS in the new year.
To get your tickets to Creating Confidence and Conquering Fear Workshop, click here.
If there is one thing I love, it's helping others overcome whatever obstacles are holding them back.
My hope is to start 2016 in sisterhood, with others who are ready to light the world with their passion, their desire to contribute, their devotion to living their best lives.
You are invited...
At this very special workshop, you will:
- Begin your 2016 with clarity and confidence to live your best life.
- Ditch the "happiness facade" and dig deep to discover your authentic definition of success
- Uncover what fears are holding you back and how to bust through the fear anyway
- Learn the top 5 ways you give away your power and how to fix your "energy leaks"
- Discover what you want more of in 2016 and how to get it
- Reconnect with your true, authentic self and shake up your motivation
- Create a totally actionable, totally doable plan for 2016 that DOES NOT include harsh restrictions or resolutions that will inevitably be broken
- Make new connections with other women seeking community and growth
- Eat good food and drink good drinks
- Be provided with all your learning materials, including LOTS of goodies to take home
- Come away inspired and ready to fly
Tickets are only $40 and include heavy apps, a no-host bar, and supplies. All proceeds benefit the Compliment Scholarship Program.
You can purchase your tickets, here.
I hope to see you at this very exciting workshop! Let's kick off 2016 together with a spirit of growth, love, and community!