things that inspire me, vol. 2: the power of vulnerability.

things that inspire me, vol. 2: the power of vulnerability.

the power of vulnerability

It's not easy putting yourself out there when you start a business.  You are letting everyone know who you are, what you stand for, and then pray they buy what you're selling.  You get told no.  A lot. You get passed by. A lot. And sometimes, truth be told, it makes you (ok, me) wanna climb into a hole and quit.

BUT...(This is bound to come up in conversation if you talk with me long enough.)

Author, professor, and sociologist, Brene Brown, has changed the way I think about life, relationships, and the kind of human I want to be.  She does all sorts of writing about Vulnerability and its counterpart Shame.  I've learned so much about acting out of courage, or "whole-heartedness" rather than fear by reading everything I can get my hands on by her.

I thought it would be a good day to share with you what keeps me climbing back out of that hole when I get shy or a bruised ego and feel like quitting.  It's this talk and the desire to live my life whole-heartedly.

(And while you're here, if you haven't heard of, you're missing out on INCREDIBLE free knowledge and inspiration.  Go there after you watch this video!)


In case you missed it, you can check out Volume 1 of Things that Inspire Me by clicking here.

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