TJ's Spicy Spinach Pizza ...
Anything In This Coral Color...
My Fiona Apple Pandora Station....
Triangle Pose (ooh that twist hurts so good!)
Awesome Biz Advice from This Book.
Handmade Valentine's Cards. "You are the PB to my J" Awwww...
The New Jade Collection from Compliment.
(Not yet online, but seriously, how awesome is that stone!?)
I just learned today that this stone is actually from the Chalcedony family and "traditionally was used as a sacred stone by some Native America tribes, promoting stability. Chalcedony is said to augment emotional balance, vitality, stamina, endurance, kindness, charity and friendliness. It is believed to alleviate hostilities, irritability and melancholy," according to a gemstone dictionary.
Dude. Word.
Hope you're having a great week! Happy Valentine's Day! What's floating your boat this week?
Don't forget to check out my post about The Theme of the Week: Connection!