A dear friend of mine shared this video with me a couple years ago. Since then, I've used it as an entry point into a journal write with my students and as a conversation piece with my friends. The cinematography is incredible to me. But it's the words that REALLY get me. (Yeah, yeah... I'm a nerd for words.) It's shot in a Northern California redwood forest, not too far from where I live and work. Lucky, huh? I think of this video often when my life goes in a direction I didn't plan. I know that we grow out of experiences that challenge us, and if growing is forever, I guess that means that life is always going to pose some sort of challenge. But how beautiful if we accept that challenge with an open heart, knowing that the alternative to growth is death. I don't know about you, but I want to live. LIVE LARGE!
Growing is Forever from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.
PS- Check out my post about Growing Everyday.