Last year around this time, so many changes were happening in my life. Last January, I took a leave of absence from my teaching job, something very steady and stable and comfortable and leapt into building Compliment. There was a lot more surrounding that decision that made it a necessary step. It was terrifying. And though there were lots of days I struggled with doubt and fear, I'm happy to say that my faith was strengthened more in 2013 than any other year of my life. A lot of that had to do with putting all my energies into Compliment and watching my hard work make this business grow.
I have so many wonderful exciting ideas for 2014 to continue to build this brand and, so much more importantly, help others share their love with the world. There's time enough for all of that...
This week, I'd like to share with you Compliment's 2013 Year-In-Review. It was a big year for us.
{A huge special thanks to Meredith Carty for helping us create this infographic!}
Cheers to a happy, healthy, abundant 2014! We are off to an amazing start and have so much up our sleeves, hatching plans for the rest of the year! Can't wait to share it all with you!
xox Melissa
Learn even more about Team Compliment and what goes on behind the scenes here!
What a joyful way to greet each day!!! I am so very happy for you, Melissa !!! Here’s looking forward to a wonderful 2014,,,and all the possibilities.