Maintaining Friendships

Maintaining Friendships

Making new friends in your thirties is hard.  Staying in touch with your far-away friends in your thirties can be even harder.  Amiright?

Now that we are grown-ups and have jobs and responsibilities and kids, some of which have led us to different cities, a handful of my most tried and true besties live in my computer.  As in, the most frequent way we keep in touch is via the computer (or phone... you get the point.)

 (WAY) back in the day when we lived in the same town
and didn't know much about fashion or cute hair ;)


This is where I directly thank the Facebook and Instagram and FaceTime gods so that I can keep in touch.

I can send a quick message to my beautiful BFF Dana (who I haven’t seen in two months! ACK!) about the new dry shampoo I bought (in our quest to find the best one, because HELLO... that stuff is AWESOME.) 


Or I can watch videos of my other beautiful BFF Katie's new baby that she texts me.  Baby coos are the best. 


Although I wish we were always able to hang out in person like we used to, this is the next best thing.


November 2015: The last time all my besties were in one place at one time! 
And coincidentally, the happiest day of my life.   photo by Allyson Wiley



 The other day, as I was uploading all our new inventory for our new Spring Home Collection.  I was sitting here counting up all our new Bestie Wine Glasses and I had an idea!


How fun would it be to send my girls a set of these glasses so that

1.) the next time we are together we can drink out of these and have a special little tradition for in-person visits... AND/OR


2.) on ordinary days when the best we can do is Skype or FaceTime, what if we both poured ourself a little glass of bubbly in our bestie glasses and sipped while we chatted?!  It would feel like the next best thing to being together and going out, like we used to.  But--no need for a babysitter or a tank of gas. 

It's like our own little grown-up version of a best friend's necklace. 


All my besties now know what they are getting for Mother's Day. :)

A gift for them... but also a huge gift for me.  

Friendships are so important to maintain.  Your girls get you through the hard stuff. 


Cheers to our besties,

xo- Melissa


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1 comment
  • I love you bestie. Miss you so much. Reading this makes me smile with a happy tear. You are so inspiring. ???

    D-rator on

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