Blog — Toni Ann Johnson

Melissa Camilleri

Abundance vs. Scarcity

Abundance vs. Scarcity

I gotta be honest...A couple weekends ago, I hosted a vendor booth at one of my favorite local artisan events.  (You may be seen some of the fun pics we took that day on our Facebook and Instagram pages). The GOOD: street food + design in Sacramento market is so rad, mostly because there are so many creative people doing what they love and bringing cool stuff into the world--all in one place. I'm talking sculptures, jams, topiaries, wooden toys, artisan ice creams, juices, and of course, jewelry.  Lots and lots of jewelry.  And although Compliment always does well at this event, meeting lots of incredible...

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Compliment Soul Care Series Vol. 1: Toni Ann Johnson

Compliment Soul Care Series Vol. 1: Toni Ann Johnson

  Meet Toni Ann Johnson I met Toni Ann several years ago through Antioch University, Los Angeles's MFA program.  Her talent as a writer, her striking beauty, her sense of humor, her infectious laugh,and her willingness to reach out and connect to others are all things I admire about her.  She was one of the first people to jump on board in support of Compliment, and I am so grateful for that.  Though we haven't seen each other face-to-face in a few years, Toni Ann's friendship is very special and I'm so happy to introduce her to you as the...

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